Every man has a unique relationship with his bank.. one that transcends all the mediocrity and suffering that routine life brings. It is pretty much like being part of a religion or following a faith... one that is easily introduced but difficult to get out of. 'You can walk in any time of the year, but you can never leave'.
Like what happens in the case of religion, Once you are initiated into the experience by the holy ceremony of opening an account, you can blissfully stand aside and watch in awe as the machinery takes over 'rest-o-ya-life'. A belief in the all powerful deities like Fund Manager, Relationship Manager and Investment Manager can make your life a lot easier. The moment you accept the fact that they are more knowledgeable to make decisions on your life for you, and that they will do the same with the sole intention of 'your prosperity' in mind, the initiation is almost complete. The only difference with religion is that here you don't have to believe in sacred underwear or purgatory. A little trust in the power of 'Estimated Monthly Installments' can help though!
How many of your friends or relatives have offered you money, without you asking for it, just so that you can live comfortably? Unlike them, the bank constantly worries about your need to buy a new car or a house or that big screen television and lends you a helping hand. They call upon you often to make sure that the quality of your life is not suffering, just because you do not have any liquid cash in hand. The bank lets you choose the pay back conditions as well. That is what I call 'real' concern. If you ever feel lonely in life or think that nobody cares about you, try missing one of those monthly installments. The bank will make you feel like the most sought after person in this entire world. These EMIs are like your Sunday trips to the church, an essential ritual that keeps the relationship intact and binding.
Though marriage is often cited as the epitome of all relationships, I beg to differ. In this world, if there is one relationship that can stand all the ups and downs, storms and showers, it is the one between you and your bank.
I second that. I know it coz we have a relationship with banks and it trancends all barriers....
I never looked at a banking relationship from this perspective before. Too true!
You should have used the word ' relationship butchers" instead of relationship managers.The newage bankers never sell you anything, they just mis sell.they are more concerned about you getting ratire with a sack of money (happens only in those rosy adds), your daughter's education & marriage( emotional blackmailing), hospital bills( fear factor) etc..
In short they don't rob you at the gun point. They are neatly dressed professional robbers.
Dileep Abraham
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